Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Markhat News!

And so a great hush fell over the land. Everywhere, creatures fell silent and still. Squirrels halted in mid-scamper. Wolves paused in their howling. Woodchucks stopped doing whatever it is that woodchucks do.

For there it was. The email that would determine the fate of the Markhat series, in the inbox that held the email that would determine the fate of the Markhat series (repetition emphasizes content).

The woodchucks grew restless, eager to resume their tireless efforts at establishing a stable fusion reaction (they're a lot smarter than they look, people). The wolves gave me the stink eye, fearful that Sarah Palin might be sighting in on them from a Stealth helicopter. The squirrels complained bitterly, because re-establishing a sustained scamper isn't nearly as easy as it looks.

So I opened the email, and . . .

. . . and . . .

BROWN RIVER QUEEN, the new Markhat novel, has been accepted!

Yes, that's right, the 7th Markhat title will be making its way to a bookstore near you soon.  This is another full-blown novel, not a novella or a collection of short stories. The old gang is back, with a new face or two as well.

At the moment, it looks like we're heading for a March 2013 release date. I will of course keep you posted here.

Thanks for all the support! Now let's all go hug an Ogre in celebration!


  1. Congratulations Frank!! I can't imagine how satisfying this must feel to you and I'm proud for you!

    Not to put a bug in your ear, but I'd love to see a collection of short stories that span your writing career - just food for thought...

    In the meantime, sit back and bask in the glow...

    Joe Austin

  2. Tell them to move the date up. THAT'S NOT SOON ENOUGH.

    Congratulations. WOOT!!!!

  3. Thanks all! I am STOKED. This will be the seventh entry in the Markhat series -- not bad for a series which was born of a lyric from a Billy Idol song!


  4. I am really looking forward to this, I love your world and Markhat and his cronies and secretly hopeful world weariness. Actually I think I followed you on twitter so I could stalk Markhat news and stayed for your good self (in a non-stalkerish way. I am glad your work goes on.

  5. Thanks Merrian! I'm glad for the follow. Knowing people enjoy the books is what keeps me going.

  6. Frank, you can add me to the list, but I never had any doubt about this.


    (Remind you of anything...?)

    That is such good news - APPLAUSE ALL AROUND!
