Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Win a FREE Kindle!

Picture me, if you will, chortling with unseemly glee and rubbing my palms together ala Mr. Burns from The Simpsons.


Because a little bird tells me that Cool Well Press is going to be giving away a free Kindle e-reader to celebrate their release of certain books, one of which was written by me.

I like giveaways.  They're a good way to promote anything, and giving away the best-selling e-reader in connection with a book release is both classy and guaranteed to generate some interest in the publisher.

Which of course trickles down to interest in me, or more specifically, in my book.

Thus the chortling and the hand-rubbing.  It's not greed, precisely.  It's just that I want this book to be read by as many people as possible.  I've always wanted to put out a full-blown YA novel, and this is it.

The Young Adult field is pretty crowded right now.  Standing out is going to be tough.  Especially since there's not a single vampire, sparkly or otherwise, in All the Paths of Shadow. No Elves, either.  And not once does anyone utter the words 'Guards!  Seize them!'

But I look at these omissions as good things.  I wrote the kind of book I liked to read as a younger less grey-haired Frank.  People will either loathe it or love it, though I hope for the latter.

I'll post more details about the Kindle giveaway as they become available, so stop back around for updates. The giveaway will start in about a week.  Free Kindle?  I did mention FREE KINDLE?

Right.  Back soon with specifics!

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