Sunday, June 5, 2011


Yes, it's another contest!  You -- yes, you -- can enter to win a signed copy of THE BANHEE'S WALK, which sees its official print release in a few days (on June 7).  But you can win a signed copy, and be the envy of all your friends, yea, the envy of whole nations!

You can see THE BANSHEE'S WALK in the image above.  Note how the comically small skeleton is pleased to present it to you!  What's that?

Um, no, I'm not sure why a comically small skeleton is involved in all this.  The wooden box in the image?  Well, er, it's where the skeleton sleeps.  Yeah.  No, I don't know why.  Look, I don't have a publicist yet, okay?  I've got a camera and a few Halloween props and some red velvet.  Go with me on this.

As I was saying, entering is easy.  You can enter in any of the following ways:

1) 'Like' this post on Facebook.
2) Email me at . Be sure to mention you want to enter the Banshee contest.  Flattery will result in an immediate drastic increase of your odds of winning.
3) Comment on this blog post.

Next Sunday afternoon, one week from today, I'll collect all the names and put them in the wooden box in the image.  I will then shake the box, apologize to Mr. Skeleton for shaking him, and then withdraw the winning name.

If you emailed your entry, I'll notify you via email.  If you FB liked or commented on the blog, I'll track down your contact info and notify you too.

Simple, no?  Click to win!  Your prize will be mailed to you, at my expense, via the proud and noble USPS.  Signed, as I mentioned, which assures its value will only skyrocket in the coming years.

Skeleton, box, and scrap of red velvet not included.  Void where prohibited by physical law.  Offer not valid in the Third Galactic Arm.  Some settling of contents may occur during shipping.

Now enter, people!  Destiny awaits!

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