Thursday, June 9, 2011

I am on iTunes!

The Markhat books are now available from iTunes.

Okay, that may not seem like a big deal.  But for me it is -- winding up on iTunes is the modern equivalent of arriving, baby.  And it seems Markhat has arrived.


This is one of those moments.

It's not a perfect moment.  The cover image for Dead Man's Rain, which is one of my personal favorites, isn't there; instead is the cover for another book.  Shame on you, iTunes!  Even tiny little e-book resellers got the cover images right.

But that can be fixed.  What matters is that iPads everywhere can browse the iBooks bookstore and see Markhat books proudly displayed.

This rocks.  Here's a link to my iTunes author roundup.  Check it out.

Frank's Markhat books on iTunes

And with that, I say, woohoo!

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